Over the next 10-14 days readers will notice that when you try to access the investment blog Triaging My Way To Financial Success at www.nurseb911.com you end up landing here.
This is not a trick!
I have decided to update the previous blog with a new template, new url and I will have a renewed emphasis on writing posts on a regular basis again with the launch of Triage Investing Blog.
The site will be faster, more condensed and contains all the previous content from www.nurseb911.com.
My RSS Readers should be able to receive new posts, but if you would like to add the new feed it is http://feeds.feedburner.com/TriageInvestingBlog
Any questions or comments please let me know!
Hey Brad – great to see you’ll be posting more frequently again.
Just a note – As a subscriber to your old RSS feed, this post from your new site didn’t show up on Google Reader for me. Not sure if this happened to others as well? Easy enough to subscribe again, but you may want to alert past subscribers of the change.
The transfer didn’t go as smoothly as I wanted it to go moving it from one feed to another while transferring the blog to Wordpress. I’m going to do some guest posts and things in the next few weeks to hopefully bring some attention to the new site once I finish on the graphics and stuff. Thanks for joining the new feed!