Triage Investing Blog Is About Financial Success,
If you are an investor who is serious about investing you are in the right place.
If you are an investor who is determined to achieve financial success you are also in the right place.
Investing is an art…an art of discipline, knowledge and dedication.
If you want to know what makes investing successful you have to first learn how to be successful.
About Triage Investing Blog,
In January of 2012 author Brad Ferris moved his previous investment blog, Triaging My Way To Financial Success (TMWTFS), from to this current site;
Since May of 2007 Brad has wrote extensively in over 400 posts about fundamental stock analysis, dividend growth and value oriented investing.
This blog was created as a method of documenting my investing activities, stock analysis techniques, market perspectives, investing discipline and Value RulesTM on value, dividend growth and healthcare investments. I first began investing at the early age of fifteen starting with Canadian Savings Bonds followed by GIC’s and mutual funds with an eventual move to individual equities. I began my DIY journey in 2004 with a series of investments in deep value and healthcare stocks. I currently invest in two portfolios that comprise a mix of value, dividend growth and healthcare investments. My investing discipline is guided by a set of Value RulesTM and lessons learnt on a teaching I term as “Enduring Value.” I have extensive knowledge of the healthcare industry in pharmaceutical and medical device/supply companies and incorporate those insights into my portfolios when possible. — Brad Ferris.
The Globe and Mail (February 2011)
Weighing the pros and cons of the online brokers, Larry MacDonald
Having all our accounts with TD has given us an advantage that other banks couldn’t offer: mainly a very competitive interest rate on our mortgage and a better interest rate on debt. I’ve found that our key contact at TD had a lot of flexibility because of all our accounts being with them.
The Globe and Mail (May 2009)
A Disciplined Investor – Me & My Money, Larry MacDonald
Updated August 1, 2016
Mr. Ferris is an investor in the Warren Buffett mode. Like the investment legend, he prefers to buy shares in reasonably valued companies with “enduring competitive advantages,” or in the words of Mr. Buffett, “moats.” They are stocks “I can see myself holding well into my fifties,” he says. When picking companies with “moats,” he prefers those that regularly raise their dividends and are eligible for the dividend tax credit. A goal is “to create a growing, tax-efficient stream of income for early retirement.”
The Globe and Mail (November 2009)
Getting married? Ten money tips, Larry MacDonald
Two heads are better than one. But marriage, of course, is not all sacrifice and strife. A team working together can accomplish more than the individual members separately. “The other huge success I’ve had is finding a partner who enjoys taking part in our financial decisions,” declares Brad Ferris
Canadian Business Online (December 2009)
Looking at a dividend yield of 11%, Larry MacDonald
These shares (capital & preferred) are run by Quadravest and are heavy in financials, similar to the iShares dividend ETF (XDV). For the sake of performance and diversification I think XDV is a much better alternative on cost & performance for most investors than the capital shares since the MER for XDV is much lower (0.5%) versus a MER of 0.65% for DFN plus the annual service fee of 0.50%. What goes on behind the scenes at a lot of these split share structures is a lot of option writing by portfolio managers. The problem with writing options is that they can provide excellent gains to the fund, but without adequate disclosure to investors on what actual activities are occurring there is the potential for unforeseen risks that investors might not otherwise take note of.
BusinessWeek (July 2008)
How Much Time Does Amateur Investing Require?
…individual investor named Brad spends as much as 15 to 20 hours per stock “collecting information, studying fundamentals and watching them over a period of time.” After that initial research, “maintaining and updating new information over time becomes quite routine.”
About Brad Ferris,
Brad Ferris is an author and President of Triage Capital Management Incorporated which owns and operates this site.
Brad is 36, married with three young children, lives in London, Ontario, Canada and after completing a formal education in Business Administration Marketing chose a career in healthcare as a Registered Nurse (RN). He currently is employed as a Registered Nurse in London.
He operates TCM Inc. when away from his nursing responsibilities, by offering consulting services to individual/institutional investors and small business owners with educational tools on investor education and business fundamentals drawn from his education, Value RulesTM, research and experiences.
I believe that, the best investment decisions are made when an individual considers their risk tolerance and are adequately informed. This site provides information on a number of topics that I hope will benefit new and experienced investors. Feel free to explore the site or contact me with any questions. Thank you for visiting this site and I hope you return soon.