While I am the author of The Foster Effect I feel it is important, as an author, to provide an unbiased view to readers from time to time.
Mr. Cheap over at Quest for Four Pillars conducts a book review and interview with Derek Foster who recently published his third book Money for Nothing.
I have not yet read the book, but I certainly intend to in order to ensure that my harsh views towards his first two novels are not unfounded. While I have my preconceptions of what this book will present I’ll reserve judgement until I have my hands on a copy.
Mr. Cheap’s interview can be found here.

Hi Brad,
Thanks for the link! I’ll really look forward to your impressions of his new book (its a fast read, you could probably get through it in an evening). I suspect you may feel similarly to it as you did to his first two books, but he does acknowledge some of the risks in the strategy presented in this one…
No problems Cheap. I’ll certainly try not to hold a past prejudice against the third book in this series, but as I’ve said – I have my doubts. Acknowledging some of his risks is a starting point, but I’d take an educated guess and speculate that the acknowledgement of risk has more to do with legal disclosure than the goodness of his heart.