Frequent readers might have noticed that postings have slowed recently and although the site welcomed its 10,000 visitor for the first time today I want to ensure readers that I’m busy behind the scenes remained focused on new content.
I have recently accepted an invitation to join a new network of blogging peers that is set to launch this Sunday, June 29th 2008. While I can’t provide information at this time with specifics (can’t ruin the surprise!!!) I will be making a post on Sunday to announce the details of the network and encourage readers to take a peek to get all the relevant information at that time.
In early July I will be providing exclusive content in the form of two new “Taking Stock in” posts to be published on the network and have been busying incorporating extensive SA’s and analysis on both these companies.
I look forward to the network launch this Sunday and hope that RSS members and site readers show their support by taking time to tune in over the next few weeks.