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Sneak Peek into Value (Sept 2007):

I thought I would take a few moments to just give a sneak peek into my Value Portfolio with the respective weightings of the top 15 holdings. Some readers will immediately recognize those names from my posts here on my blog or on CBF/FWF. Other names will need to be looked up because they’re relatively unknown to most mainstream investors or not followed widely by analysts.

The portfolio has returned just over 30.5% YTD; but it is important to put some of those gains into context:

– UWH.UN was 4.5% of the portfolio when it was bought out earlier this year by private equity and I collected a gain of 77% on my original purchase.

– The group of transports (DAC, DRYS, ISH, OCNF, OSG & WNC) have fuelled a large portion of the portfolio over the past 8 months.

– The recent purchase of Goldcorp & additional shares to existing Potash have lifted gains since August’s volatility in the market
*** Numbers rounded to nearest decimal point ***
{ 4 comments… add one }
  • FourPillars September 25, 2007, 8:54 pm

    30.5% this year? That’s really great.


  • Nurse B, 911 September 26, 2007, 8:45 am

    I have been “VERY” careful as of late in my portfolio management. I continue to have about 15% cash and I’ve focused almost exclusively on quality & minimizing the volatility of the portfolio. From early May until the end of August the portfolio traded sideways as I switched out of riskier positions (still a high MoS) and looked for value in some larger-cap names with better fundamentals. Where most people would shoot for the stars, my target was simply 15% this year, so I’m very focused on preserving my gains to date and not getting into unintended risk. How are you doing YTD?

  • G September 26, 2007, 10:50 am

    My registered mutual funds portfolio is 15% YTD. Beginning to invest in indexes in Non Reg in Sept, so can’t expect stellar gains there.

  • FourPillars September 27, 2007, 9:20 pm

    I don’t even know…I haven’t done an “add up” in a month or two.

    I suspect I’m around zero though – I have 75% equity and of that, about 25% is Canadian which has been the main performer lately.

    I do keep track of my performance but I don’t necessarily do it all that often.


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