For interested readers there is an excellent article in today’s Globe&Mail by Wendy Stueck on one of the largest holdings within my Value Portfolio: SSW.
To contrast the article there is also an opinion on Seaspan available by Irwin Michael of ABC Funds on his Value Investigator website that highlights some of the key developments in this stock since its IPO in July of 2005.
If readers are interested in hearing more on this stock please provide comments as I have a lenghty Situaional Analysis on the stock and could easy write a post on the company for my “Taking Stock in” series.
Hey Brad,
Enjoy the blog, great work!
I’d love to see your detailed analysis of Seaspan if possible.
I’d like to hear your take on Seaspan too! The yield is great right now but I’m worried about the impact of global slowdown on their bottom line. Thanks Brad.
The company is well protected from any economic slowdown since they have long-term leases for their container ships and aren’t directly exposed to the operating costs of the companies who lease their assets. The dividend is attractive but the long-term growth prospects of new ships coming available for the company is something that I value as a great strategic advantage.