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My Greatest Investment:

My Greatest Investment
The majority of my time on this blog is spent talking about investments, analyzing stocks and improving the discipline and psychology behind becoming a more successful investor.

What I haven’t shared with you is my greatest investment and something more important than the combined value of my portfolios, my investing skill, experience or insights.

If I were to achieve financial freedom tomorrow or twenty years from now my life wouldn’t change in any dramatic fashion. I’ve taken the time to complete my education, set up my career and pursue a lifestyle that provides a flexibility I know very few could attain. I work hard, enjoy the achievements I’ve accomplished and each day know that I learn something new.

One lesson I’ve learnt about money from Charles, my parents and significant people in my life is that money is meaningless if you never have someone important to share it with. Being a good investor, even a great investor, won’t bring me happiness if all I can do is spend money on myself.

This afternoon I plan to make the greatest investment of my life an everlasting lasting investment.

The markets will all be closed, I won’t need my brokerage account or anything except my time and a tiny box I’ve hand made with some precious metals inside as a symbol of my commitment to invest in my future now and every day for the rest of my life.

This investment won’t pay a tax-efficient dividend, earn interest, provide a capital gain or increase my net worth by a certain percentage.

All the time, effort and money I’ve invested in my greatest investment can never be measured except for the happiness it brings me and one specific person.

My greatest investment is a person who I will ask a powerful question to.

I will ask my girlfriend of two years a simple and eternal question, “Will you give me forever?”

I already know her answer; I’ve known it since the day I met her. Our time together, my commitment to her and everything I’ve spent, both time and money, is a priceless investment that I could never measure.

Without her I am not a good investor or even a great investor; I am just me. She brings out the best in who I am, in what I accomplish and has a patience to endure all my faults.

She laughs when I mumble in my sleep about mortgages, smiles when I teach others about investing and continues to hold my hand after I enter a Shopppers Drug Mart, TD branch or A&P and make a comment that, “I like how they keep my company running smooth,” (as a shareholder).

As a proud young man my greatest investment humbles me in a way that I rarely like to admit yet could never imagine being without.

That is why she will always be my greatest investment

{ 12 comments… add one }
  • Bean April 25, 2009, 8:34 am


  • Paul (aka augustabound) April 25, 2009, 9:39 am

    Way to go Brad!

  • DRiPpy Chick April 25, 2009, 10:53 am

    Congratulations!!!! May you share a long lifetime together, filled with with love, happiness, prosperity and good health.

  • Jae Jun April 25, 2009, 12:01 pm

    Woohoo way to go brother!

    Congratulations in advance. I agree that there is nothing better than what you are about to do.

  • Potato April 25, 2009, 1:04 pm

    Oh no, I hope you ask her before she sees this!

    Anyway, congrats in advance!

  • Canadian Capitalist April 25, 2009, 3:50 pm

    Congratulations Brad! I couldn't agree more. I wish you both a long & happy life together. Cheers!

    PS: Are we getting wedding invites? 🙂

  • Susan April 25, 2009, 4:42 pm

    Fantastic! Best of luck to you both (though you won’t need a lot of luck-you have a great amount of common sense).

  • Nurseb911 April 26, 2009, 10:06 am

    Thanks to everyone who posted congratulations and warm wishes.

    The day went just as planned as the staff at the Peller Estate Winery in Niagara on the Lake were fabulous going above and beyond my highest expectations. My gilfriend accepted my proposal, although no dates have been confirmed other than sometime in 2010.

    CC: Wedding invites will likely be sent out to a few investing peers; no doubt. Are you going to drive all the way from Ottawa to London? 🙂

  • Susan Pipes April 26, 2009, 11:12 am

    Congratulations! That is the way that everyone should feel when they take the important step of making a committment to each other. My Dad always said that “the most important thing in a man’s life should be his family”

  • Saj Karsan April 27, 2009, 1:15 am

    Congrats, Brad! Best of luck with the big moment!

  • Anonymous April 27, 2009, 11:27 pm

    Well said. The potential return on that kind of risky investment is incalculable and timeless. You’ll know she’s the one if you lose everything and she says,”we still have each other”. Sounds vapid and pedestrian but … it’s true!

  • Dividends4Life May 1, 2009, 6:43 pm

    Congratulations! Like a portfolio, a good marriage will take a lot of time to manage, but the investment is worth it.

    Best Wishes,

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